Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kebaikan Celery

Selamat bertemu kembali.

Sedikit ilmu untuk dikongsikan.Jom semak kebaikan Celery... 

Celery Health Benefits

For such a humble vegetable, celery health benefits are many.

But first have a look at celery's nutritional highlights:

Celery is an excellent source of vitamin C and fibre.
It's a very good source of potassium, folic acid, and vitamin B6 and B1.
Celery is a good source of calcium and vitamin B2.
Rich source of dietary sodium.

Note: While it's true that celery contains more sodium than most vegetables, the sodium is offset by very high levels of potassium. Furthermore, the amount of sodium is not significant even for the most salt-sensitive individuals.

Some of Celery Health Benefits

Bad breath

Generally, any food that's good for your body is good for your breath, but celery seems custom made for fighting halitosis.

Most experts believe that the most common cause of bad breath is poor dental hygiene.

In the absence of proper brushing and flossing, food particles on the teeth and the back of the tongue breed pungent bacteria.

Munching on a stalk of celery is helpful in two ways: its roughness helps scrub bacteria from the back of the tongue and its natural fibres assist in cleaning the teeth. It's like using an edible toothbrush.

In fact, if you ever find yourself without a toothbrush, chomping on a celery stick after a meal or first thing in the morning will do the trick.

Bladder infections

With loads of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic compounds, as well as some calcium blockers, celery seed extracts seem appropriate for treating bladder infections.

Celery seeds are said to improve the quantity and quality of urine and are a useful diuretic for urinary tract infections (UTIs).


COX-2 inhibitors are a type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that were acclaimed as the new "miracle aspirin", but needless to say have many side-effects.

As it happens, many foods and edible spices contain natural COX-2 inhibitors and are unlikely to cause any adverse side-effects.

Two of the best natural sources of COX-2 inhibitors are celery and celery seeds, which contain high amounts of painkilling apigenin.

So bursitis and many other inflammatory conditions will benefit from including celery in your diet or making a tea from freshly crushed celery seeds, or taking celery seed supplements, if you don't like the flavour of the fresh plant.


One of active compounds in celery is the phytochemical coumarin, which has been proven effective in cancer prevention and capable of enhancing the activity of certain white blood cells that help fight cancer. They also help prevent free radicals from damaging cells.

Some other compounds are called acetylenics, which have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells.

Celery also contains compounds called phenolic acids, which block the action of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. some prostaglandins are thought to encourage the growth of tumor cells.

Fungal infections

Celery is naturally resistant to pathogens during storage because it contains a melting pot of fungicides, with more than two dozen already identified.

If you're prone to fungal infections or currently battling one, eat a celery stalk a day to keep those microbes in check.


The COX-2 inhibitors present in celery and celery seeds are also good at reducing uric acid levels, which are the cause of gout attacks.

Either eating four celery stalks or taking two to four tablets of celery seed extract daily can even eliminate gout attacks.

Or you might try preparing a tea by pouring boiling water over 1 teaspoon of freshly crushed celery seeds and letting it steep for 10 to 20 minutes before drinking it.

If you have a juicer, it's a very good idea to drink freshly squeezed celery juice on its own or added to other fruits and vegetables. Drink a glass every day.

Hay fever

Celery comes on top of the list for foods that alleviate allergy symptoms. Also on that list are carrots, ginger, peppermint, parsley, turmeric, chamomile and cabbage.

High blood pressure

Phytochemical compound present in celery, called coumarins, are able to tone the vascular system, lowering blood pressure and may even be useful in cases of migraines.


Hungarians have long used celery to calm indigestion and Germany's Commission E, a government agency that evaluates the safety and efficacy of medicinal herbs, has approved its use for dyspepsia.

It contains two dozen painkillers, more than two dozen anti-inflammatories, 11 anti-ulcer compounds and more than two dozen sedatives to complement the activities of its three carminative compounds (carminatives are herbs or preparations that prevent or facilitate expulsion of gas).

Read more on Heartburn Remedies and Indigestion Relief

Memory loss

Celery contains a compound called luteolin, which has shown promise for lowering levels of plaque-forming proteins in the brain.

This, in turn, can counteract risk factors for Alzheimer's, including atherosclerosis, inflammation and oxidative damage.

Another source of luteolin is flaxseed.

Menopausal symptoms

Celery, along with dill, fennel, anise and all tasty herbs of the celery family, are amongst the list of mildly estrogenic herbs, due to the gently estrogenic phtyochemical anethole.

They all have 40 to 50 phytochemicals and are a mix of anethole, apigenin, kaempferol, luteolin and quercitin.

All these compounds are very good at alleviating all menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, and contribute to preventing heart disease and osteoporosis but without the side-effects of HRT treatment.


Celery is a well known vegetable for stimulating the immune system to help fight disease. Celery is packed with antioxidants and compounds that fight bacteria, viruses and inflammation.

Read more:

Baja-baja Organik

Baja-baja Organik

Salam semua…Selamat bertemu kembali di alam maya.

Hari ini kita belajar perkara baru yang mungkin kebanyakan readers & gardeners sudah tahu iaitu baja-baja organik.

Tahukah anda bahawa bahan-bahan buangan dari dapur boleh digunakan sebagai baja pokok-pokok bunga & sayuran yang kita tanam. Kebanyakan daripada kita membuang bahan dapur tersebut yang sebenarnya sangat bernilai sebagai baja organik.
  1. Air basuhan beras – air basuhan beras boleh digunakan untuk menyiram pokok-pokok  bunga & sauran yang kita tanam. Selain dikatakan dapat menghilangkan hanyir ikan ia boleh menyuburkan pokok-pokok yang kita tanam.
  1. Air basuhan ikan – sama seperti air basuhan beras, air basuhan ikan juga dapat menyuburkan tanaman yang kerana menpunyai zat yang dapat menyuburkan pokok ros dan tanaman anda. 
  1. Air rendaman kulit bawang – kulit bawang yang digunakan didapur boleh direndam semalaman dan besoknya airnya boleh dijirus pada pokok anda. 
  1. Kulit pisang dan pisang yang sudah rosak boleh dipotong-potong dan ditanam didalam tanah. Ia mengandungi potassium yang bagus untuk pertumbuhan dan pembungaan ros. 
  1. Kulit telur – kulit telur boleh dihancurkan dan ditabur disekeliling pokok ros. 
  1. Kepala Udang, Tulang Ikan, Lemak Ayam – boleh ditanam didalam tanam tanah pasu ros.

  1. Hampas teh & kopi -  Kalau ada jangan dibuang dalam tong sampah. Anda boleh tabur disekeliling pokok ros anda.

  1. Baja tahi ayam, arnab, lembu & kambing – semua baja-baja ini hendaklah dirawat terlebih dahulu sebelum ditabur pada pokok anda. Pada zaman sekarang sudah banyak baja-baja ini yang sudah dikomersilkan. So anda semua boleh dapatkan terus dari nursery bunga (kena beli ye).

Selamat mencuba. Jumpa lagi….


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